Jam Service

Mixed Media Artist

Jam Service undergoes experiments to seek the origins of substances, lives, and minds on canvas using different materials and mediums.

Born and raised in Kobe city, Japan, he majored in realistic oil painting at university but got absorbed into abstract mixed media painting after graduation. He takes the lesson “The wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself” from Leonardo da Vinci and “Letting the material itself paint the picture” from Sadamasa Motonaga, a member of the Gutai Art Association.

At one point in his life, he noticed multiple voices in his head communicating with each other. He experienced a hang glider crash and the Grate Kobe-Awaji Earthquake, which in synergy with the realization, made multiple personalities awake within himself. They were named Masafumi, Tori, and Hito and keep evolving as they take different actions in the creation.

Masafumi designs the salvation of spirits by attempting to repair the unrepairable.
Tori makes the canvas revolve and simulates the creation of the universe using substances.
Hito seeks the emergence of her own psyche in the process of mimicking ontogeny using the decalcomania technique and silicone materials.

The works that get produced by the actions of each personality always exist simultaneously, contradicting and synchronizing with each other. He hopes that these fragments that imitate the world once again show us the world as we saw the moment we were brought to life.
Jam Serviceは様々な素材、媒体を使って、キャンバスの上で、物質、生命、意識の起源を探る実験を行う。

日本の神戸市で生まれ育ち、大学では写実的な油絵を専攻するが、卒業後はミクストメディアによる抽象画に傾倒する。レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチからは 「自然が唯一の教師である 」という思想を、具体美術協会のメンバーだった元永定正からは、「物質そのものに絵を描かせる」という考え方を学ぶ。

ある時、彼は自分の頭の中で会話するさまざまな声に気づく。その後ハンググライダー墜落事故と阪神大震災の被災体験が重なり、彼の中に複数の人格的特徴が目覚める。それらは、Masafumi, Tori, Hitoと名付けられ、それぞれが創作活動の中で異なる行動を起こし、成長し続ける。

