Hiromi Kawano


Hiromi Kawano encountered the technique of digital multiple exposures as she sought to express her individuality in art. She found the technique in 2015 as she thought that expressions that reflected her sensibility lay outside the illustrations she drew for the clients. She was captivated by the fantastical world that multiple-exposure photographs create by superimposing two or more images in a single frame. Furthermore, digital multiple-exposure photographs that use a smartphone and computer instead of a camera to layer images allowed her to pursue her original expression since she had been familiar with digital art from many years of drawing illustrations on her computer. She took various photos daily and sought a singular combination of images that compose her work. The success of her solo exhibition in 2018 led her to set natural surroundings, including flowers, trees, light, and rain, as a subject matter of her work. She wishes to keep creating works that give hope and comfort to those who see them, taking inspiration from colors she found in rich nature in her childhood. Her works have been featured in different media and exhibitions, including French art magazine and TOKYO TOWER ARTFAIR in the spring of 2023. She also had her work introduced at Artavita Gallery at Artexpo in New York.
川野ヒロミは、自分にしかできない表現を探っていたところ、デジタル多重露出と出会った。クライアントワークで可愛いイラストを描くのは楽しい、でも・・・「自分だけの表現はきっと別にある」と考えていてたところ、2015年にデジタル多重露光と出会う。すぐさま幻想的な世界観の虜になる。多重露光とは、1コマの中に2枚以上の画像を重ねて写し込む写真技法のこと。デジタルでは、カメラの代わりにスマホやパソコンのアプリを使用して写真を重ねる。長年パソコンでイラストを描いてきた彼女にとって、その仕組みは理解しやすく自分だけの表現ができると感じた。彼女は日々たくさんの写真を撮り、作品を構成する唯一の組み合わせを探して写真を重ねていった。2018年の個展で自信を得た彼女は、創作のテーマを花や木々、光や雨、雫など、身近な自然へと向ける。子供時代にふれた豊かな自然の色彩を思い、見る人の希望となり癒しとなる作品を制作し続けたいと願う。彼女の作品はフランスなどのアートマガジンで紹介されており、今春開催された、TOKYO TOWER ARTFAIR、及び、Artexpo New Yorkでは、Artavita galleryで作品が紹介された。